Upphovsrätt och Copyright.
Copyright theories and text: Carl Festin.
Copyright pictures: Shared by Carl Festin and illustrators.
More information about copyright see www.alis.org.
( Due to very raised scientific acceptance of my theories during the last year the prices has been raised to a more proporiate marketlevel. March 2014.)
( Due to localisation of Atlantis Posedopolis the prices has been raised to a more proporiate marketlevel. Jan 2015.)
Due to the very high rate of new logical solutions to prior unsolved historic and scientific mysteries the marketvalue is at continuously growth.
Pictures and prices below are not more valid and can just be seen as a historic prices that once was.
This picture will be replaced by a drawn picture of the Layout of Poseidopolis. Details, see link; How to find Atlantis.
Layout of Poseidopolis, Atlantis, 5 500 000 000 SEK.
The price is decided to be more expensive then any painting before. No other picture can ever be of more importence. What ever any other picture has been paid the price would be raised above. So far the highest price for a sold painting is Salvator Mundi, Leonardo da Vinci 450,3 million USD. To exceed that price the painted layout of Poseidopolis, Atlantis is set to 5,5 billion Sek.
Omslagsbild med Noa längst fram i fören :
Noah, refugee from Atlantis. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Three boys are digging at Gibraltar. They later believs they have caused the breakthrou and flood. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Noas skeppsvarv, Noahs shipyard. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
A hilltopp is in order to be flooded..
1:a Mos. 7:19 Och vattnet steg mer och mer över jorden, och alla höga berg allorstädes under himmelen övertäcktes:
Genesis 7:19 More and more the water increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven: Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Process that repeatedly cuts of Mediterranean sea from world sea. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Osmotic process that at least 10 times, probably many more, has cut of Mediterranean Sea from world sea. The process is constant in action and explains why the Mediterranean Sea repeatedly is cut of from the Atlantic ocean. The process is the key-factor to solve the Atlantis myth that appropriate gives the solution how it is possible that Mediterranean is cut of with loose sediment and not by hard rock. That also gives the solution why it not permanent is cut of when it once had occured.
Pris full äganderätt 100 000 000 SEK.
Historic sealevels.Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Iceage with icepeak about 20000 years ago gives lowest sealevel during last iceage that started about 100 000 years ago.
Pris full äganderätt 20 000 000 SEK.
Topographic map over Mediterranean basin. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
The Nile and the 4-5 times bigger Black Sea river are the east basins biggest inflows. ( Gibraltar and west at the top.)
Pris full äganderätt 50 000 000 SEK.
Map with today and prehistoric names. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
For more than 20000 years was the Mediterranean basin a ideally place for developing a human civilisation.
Pris full äganderätt 100 000 000 SEK.
Politisk karta med forntida nationsutbredningar. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Atlantis mainisland Basileia was placed west and inbetween Herakles pillars. The atlants ruled Europe, Tyrrhenian and Lybia. Atlantic ocen, ( now the Ionic sea ) was the atlants own ruled sea.
Pris full äganderätt 100 000 000 SEK.
West basin is at -250 meter and flood erodes Sicilianic ridge about 50 meters. 50 meter that very quick raised the sealeval as much in the east Mediterranean added with the flow thrue Gibraltar. That is initial Biblic flood that occurs in east basin. Probably about 60 meters sealevel raise the first 24 hours. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
1:a Mos. 7:17 Och floden kom över jorden i fyrtio dagar och vattnet förökade sig och lyfte arken, så att den flöt högt uppe över jorden.
Genesis 7:17 The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground. Full äganderätt 100 000 000 SEK.
Cold water in west basin causes a meteorological anticyklon. East basin, Basileia and Noah gets heavy rainfall.* Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
1:a Mos. 7:12 Och regnet kom över jorden i fyrtio dagar och fyrtio nätter.
Genesis 7:12 .. the windows of the sky were open, and rain fell on the earth for forty days and nights.
Full äganderätt 22 500 000 SEK.
Jordbrukets spridning. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Agriculture is developed in flooded region. The expanding way is cut of at Levanten. Wrong conclusions are made that the agriculture is developed, and its oldiest place, is at Levanten when it just is in the " middle of the road".
Full äganderätt 50 000 000 SEK.
Flyktingar och Noas väg: Price for publishing, Make contact with author..
Atlantiska flyktingars kunskaper ger upphov till den formativa perioden. Uppträder som indoeuropeer, vita, storvuxna, sjöfolk, barbarer, hellener och grundar dynastier världen över.
Full äganderätt 60 000 000 SEK.
Obsidiantrade. Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Black arrows = The logical prehistoric obsidiantrade over sea and along the coasts.
White arrows = Refugees has brought their obsidian tools with them and assambled obsidian to refugee sites. Those places are wrong believed as obsidian trade centers and totaly wrong tradeways, white arrows, are written in historic litterature.
Full äganderätt 60 000 000 SEK.
I boken angivna historiska platser: Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Full äganderätt 20 000 000 SEK.
Indian settlements with big atlantic culture influence and tribes has also genetic atlantic descendents: Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
Full äganderätt 3 000 000 SEK.
I full äganderätt till bilder förbehåller författaren sig rätten att fritt använda dem vid egen framställan och i egna böcker.
Priser övrigt:
Movierights: 2375 miljoner SEK+per viewer. (The price is set as one miljon pro year since Plato wrote the story. That i also very similar to the total number of christians and jews in the world and their marketwill to spend 1 sek to learn about the scientific solution about the Biblic flood. As the Atlantis now is very rapid raising topic the price now is added with a fee for each viewer.)
Price for publishing, Make contact with author.
The pictures explains the analysis and separated illegal use will be treated as if they both were used.
Author Carl Festin, e-mail carlfestin@hotmail.com Phone +46 (0) 63 85086